Attendance Letters

Hello Parents,  I wanted to remind you of our district policy regarding attendance, and notifying parents when attendance becomes a concern. When a student misses 5 days of school (for any reason), the school sends home an informational letter to parents.  If the absences are due to illness, there isn't a lot that can be done to change things, and we understand that.
When a student misses 10 days, a second letter is sent home and I will call you to see if there is anything I or the school can do to help facilitate better attendance for your child.  As we are on the 100th day of school today, 10 absences right now is 10% of the school year to date.  At 10%, the state considers the student to be "truant" from school.
If your child misses 15 days, the school has the option to report to the School Attendance and Review Board (SARB) at the county.  
The bottom line is this: being in school is important to learning.  Sickness can't be helped, but we want to encourage our families to bring their children to school unless they are truly sick.
Thank you!