New PTC Board for 2016-17

Our nomination process for the PTC Board has concluded...  There were no nomination forms received, but the current board has agreed to stay on in their current positions, with the exception of Treasurer.  Sherry Torgerson is moving on to other responsibilities, and we want to thank her for her outstanding service these past two years!  And thank you ladies, for staying on!  We were able to recruit a new Treasurer, and we are very grateful to her for volunteering.
Here are the new PTC Board members for 2016-17:
Wanda Mertens - President
Gina Williams/Lisa Adamson - Co Vice President
Edie Kodet - Secretary
Jenn Lukinbill - Treasurer  *NEW*
Thank you to ALL our parents for your dedicated service to our students.  We look forward to another exciting year!