Curriculum » Curriculum


English-Language Arts: Cottage Hill uses the National Geographic Reach for Reading program at all grades.  This standards aligned program builds literacy and knowledge across a wide range of subject matter through content-rich literature and informational texts.  Students and teachers alike enjoy the science and social studies links integrated in each unit.
Math: Houghton Mifflin Go Math! is used Kindergarten through fifth grade.  This is an engaging and interactive program that addresses California State Standards as well as the Standards of Mathematical Practice.  The emphasis is no longer on rote memorization of facts and formulas; instead, students are taught to think, reason, and use appropriate problem solving strategies.
Science: Students use FOSS Science and STEAM activities to address three distinct and equally important dimensions to learning science: Disciplinary Core Ideas, Science and Engineering Practices, and Crosscutting Concepts.  Classroom learning experiences are designed to stimulate students' interests in science and prepare them for college, careers, and citizenship.
Social Studies: Cottage Hill enjoys the use of a wide variety of materials to teach social studies, including Scholastic News, Studies Weekly, current events, and informational texts included in the National Geographic ELA program.  Current standards require students not only to acquire core knowledge in history and social science, but to develop the critical thinking skills to study the past and its relationship to the present.
Character Education: Our students learn the Six Traits of Character Counts and are encouraged to demonstrate those traits here at school and in the community. Teachers also use Second Step to teach and practice social-emotional skills.  Cottage Hill supports Kindness as its over-arching goal, which also serves to eliminate bullying and other antisocial behavior.  Students practice and are rewarded for good behavior through our PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports) model.