Kindness Assembly

Today our 2nd-5th grade students attended an excellent assembly on Kindness with NED.  Ned taught us that different is nothing to be afraid of; different can be COOL, and everyone can spread Kindness with a simple smile.
Ned visited Kenya and learned that children in Kenya are a lot like we are in many ways, but there are also some important differences.  For example, kids in Kenya do not have easy access to clean water.  As an act of Kindness, we are selling African Treasures, handmade by people in Kenya.  A portion of funds from the sales go to build wells in Kenya. 
Miss Hioki will be selling the Treasures out of Room 19 before school and during recesses.  A flyer went home last week, or you can review the information on the attached file.  If you are looking for more information on the program, go to
Thank you!