Wilson Reading System

Dear Families,
I am using the Wilson Reading System (WRS) with your child in the Learning Center.  This is a very unique way of learning to read, and I have found it to be very successful.  WRS uses a structured, sequential, systematic, and multi-sensory approach to teach kids the "code" of reading and writing.  It covers the essential five areas of reading.
  • Phonemic awareness
  • Decoding and word study
  • Sight word recognition
  • Spelling
  • Fluency
  • Vocabulary
  • Oral expressive language development
  • Comprehension
WRS is all about word study. Students will learn the six syllable types which will cover all of the sounds. 
At the end students should be able to figure out just about any word they see.  Each student's progress is unique, but generally, when taught in a group, the program takes about three years to cover all of the program. 
Mastery is the key to success! 
It is accredited by the International Dyslexia Association, of which I am a member and a credentialed dyslexia practitioner.  It is a great program for all students with identified reading disabilities,  not just dyslexia.
You will probably see your student use his or her fingers to "tap-out" words when reading and spelling.  This is the multi-sensory approach mentioned above. We start each lesson out improving our accuracy, and then progress towards fluency.  Fluency is how quickly and smoothly a student can read
I will send home a weekly spelling list that has the sub-step and focus for the week.  We may spend several weeks on a sub-step in order to achieve mastery.
The number one question I am asked is about the nonsense words. Why do nonsense words?  The nonsense words are an opportunity for students to apply the new skills in our sub-step to unknown words. 
I find our students more about the structure of language than their peers, and sometimes even their teachers!
If you have any further questions, please hesitate to contact me.  I'm happy to help in any way I can.